Date of Award

Spring 2021

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


LACS: Hispanic Studies

First Advisor

Thomas Harrington


The foundations of a nation are extremely important to understand how and why nations are in certain situations. Using the elements of cultural planning developed by Evan-Zohar and Renan this study seeks to explain this relationship within Puerto Rico and the resistance that they have demonstrated towards the United States with an emphasis on this relationship during the Vieques conflict. Within Puerto Rico there has been sentiment for decades on the idea of independence and separation from the United States. However, through the media relations, cultural relations and the interactions of the United States especially within Vieques during the 1990’s there is a cultural and political resistance that has existed and only grown throughout the years. This project seeks to identify and understand the elements of cultural planning that contributed to the resistance between the United States and Puerto Rico as a result of the Vieques incident. Lastly, demonstrate how this resistance has revitalized the movement for independence and become an important part of Puerto Rico’s transition, and how leaders of the push for independence have used Vieques as a vehicle in their cause.


Senior thesis completed at Trinity College, Hartford CT for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Hispanic Studies.
