Date of Award

Spring 2014

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Urban Studies

First Advisor

Garth Myers

Second Advisor

Xiangming Chen

Third Advisor

Piero Vereni


This thesis addresses the rich tradition of urban occupations, also known as "squatting", in Rome, Italy. I argue that Roman squatting had its origins mainly in the Social Center Movement of the late 1970s and a preceding wave of occupations aimed at garnering affordable housing. In order to provide a context for these social movements, I first briefly describe the urban development history of the city since the late 1800s. The Roman pattern of urban development favored private interests and land speculation in a manner that resulted in overconsumption and the marginalization of a large sect of the population. In recent times, new organizations have begun to practice variations of traditional Roman squatting in the face of increased international immigration and a lingering economic crisis.


Senior thesis completed at Trinity College for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in Urban Studies.
