Date of Award

Spring 5-11-2024

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Theater and Dance

First Advisor

Theresa Incampo

Second Advisor

Rebecca Pappas


For our senior thesis project, we conducted five theater and dance workshops for youth that centered around emotional identification and movement-based storytelling at three community sites within the Hartford region. We did two workshops with the YWCA KidsLink at two of their after-school programs, two workshops at the Montessori Magnet School, and one workshop with the Boys and Girls Club. We chose this project with the intention of growing as educators and building relationships with community partner organizations. A community partner organization is “an existing organization within the community who already serves the target population in some way” (Community Access to Child Health). A successful community partnership shares a common goal. Through this project, we intersected our interest in being theater and dance educators with the desire to work in the Hartford community. This project is an expansion of what we have learned regarding arts and community work in the Theater and Dance department, with a target audience of youth.
