Date of Award

Spring 4-30-2024

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts



First Advisor

Dr. Carmen De Schryver

Second Advisor

Dr. Erin Seeba


This paper presents an exploration into the lineage of freedom, investigating the historic structures configured in an attempt to distribute freedom in an equalizing fashion. This text will outline the intricate relationship between freedoms and liberties, by surveying the prominent political philosophies, and forms of governance within their respective temporalities. By taking up the ideas of enlightenment thinkers such as Kant, decolonial voices like Fanon, and comparing them to the current neo-liberal framework we find ourselves in, we are faced with the incompatible realities of liberalism and capitalism. This text will consequently call for a revolution of our current structures that have reaffirmed pre-existing hierarchies along the basis of race, gender, and class, and make demands for governance that seeks greater justice and equality for their own citizens.
