Date of Award

Spring 2024

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Psychology and Education

First Advisor

Britney Jones


The COVID-19 pandemic put professors and students in difficult positions of virtual learning, and students in the class of 2024 were put in a particularly difficult situation as their first experience of college was filled with isolation and fear. Since the pandemic happened so recently, there is limited research investigating the differences in student engagement and performance with online classes compared to in-person, however, those that have conducted research have found that online does not facilitate communication and engagement to the degree that in-person does. My research study aims to answer the question, how do Trinity College students and faculty describe classroom engagement and participation between the periods of online learning (2020-2021) versus face-to-face learning (2022-2023)? Through qualitative interviews with professors and students at Trinity College, I found that students and faculty reported a significant deficit in classroom participation and engagement during the online learning period which was mitigated when returning to in-person learning. These findings emphasize the importance of in-person learning and call into question the value of online classes at Trinity College.
