Date of Award

Spring 2023

Degree Name

Bachelor of Science



First Advisor

Professor Erik Vogt

Second Advisor

Professor Christina M. Bleyer


The internet appears and it is a better television, a better radio, and a better way of transmitting information to one another, but is this information actually being communicated? In this essay, I will be looking at Jodi Dean’s Blog Theory: Feedback and Capture in the Circuits of Drive to describe how an overabundance of content provided by the internet renders all content meaningless, and the ways in which engagement with the internet generates more behaviors in people whose purpose is purely the act of communication, and not at all the contents of what is being communicated. Finally, I will turn to Bernard Stiegler’s The Age of Disruption: Technology and Madness in Computational Capitalism, where he describes the consequences of newer technologies and devices that have not had the opportunity to be considered given the abundance and demand for new content to be reacted to. With no opportunity or time to think, Stiegler sees the world heading towards demise, a demise that he nonetheless faces courageously in an attempt to avoid this inevitable fate. We conclude by seeing whether this attempt is a worthwhile endeavor.


Senior thesis completed at Trinity College, Hartford CT for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Philosophy.
