Class of 2024
Defining Elegant Taste in Emma and The British Housewife, Genevieve Brewer
Class of 2023
“We Believe in Diversity”: Brian Flores vs. The NFL and Structural Racism, Shortcomings of the Rooney Rule, Christopher Simmons
The Whale, Ahab, and the Transgender Human Condition, Catherine Simpson
“Making it” in America: Understanding the American Dream in Trump’s America, Dayla Weems
Class of 2022
Blight Remediation and Affordable Housing Finance: A Potential Future Model for Hartford Homeownership, Luke Tressy, Joseph Perkus, Justin Olson, and Suliman Foster
Class of 2021
Community Development Corporations and Neighborhood Stability in Hartford and New Haven, CT, Gabriell Nelson
Class of 2018
Physician Shortage or Allocation Problem? A Comprehensive Analysis of The Primary Care Physician Shortage Rurally In the United States, Mazin E. Khalil
Class of 2016
The Effects of Cognitive Rehabilitation for Improving Prospective Memory in Acquired Brain Injury, Emily M. Aiken
Transit-Oriented Development and Weak Real-Estate Markets, Jonathan Cabral
The Rules of Appropriation from the Perspective of a Contemporary Artist, Cicily J. Collazo
Healing in the Works of Elizabeth Goudge, Elizabeth Langford
An Initial Analysis of a Long-Term Ketogenic Diet’s Impact on Motor Behavior, Brain Purine Systems, and Nigral Dopamine Neurons in a New Genetic Rodent Model of Parkinson’s Disease, Jacob Rubin and William H. Church
Class of 2015
Individualized Cognitive Rehabilitation for Adults with Acquired Brain Injury, Emily M. Aiken
Class of 2013
A Trail Hiker: A Historic Memoir of an Appalachian Trail Thru-Hiker, Justin Anderson
Lounging among the Ruins, Daniel Barrett
Watkinson Program for Hartford High Schools Adventures in History: A Curator’s Tale, Noelle Beach
Jack London and the Primal Citizen, Desiree Brinn-Rodriguez
The New Normal: State Incentives in New Jersey and California for Solar Photovoltaics (PV), Kathryn M. Dissinger
Jane Addams: Taking Leave of Her Fathers, Todd M. Girard
Wrestling with the Sophists: An Encomium of Lawyers, Christopher P. Kriesen
DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival) and its Policy Implications: A Case Study of Hartford, YukShan Li
Gun Control Myths and Realities: Public Opinion, Glendaly Macci
An Arena for Policy Change: Campaigns Advocating for LGBT Athletes’ Role in Changing Public Opinion, Shannon Malloy
Wiser for the Time: A collection of Poetry and Short Fiction, Jeff Przech
The American Century: How Culture Influenced History, Matthew Ranaghan
The Academic Performance of College Athletes: A Comparison of NCAA Division I and Division III Student-Athletes, Peter Roundy
Demystifying the Silence: Exploration of Religion and Humanity in J.D. Salinger's Spirituality Cycle, Hayley C. Stefan
School Choice and Parental Involvement: Does Parental Involvement Matter in School Choice? Examining the relationship between school choice and parental involvement., Glendowlyn L.H. Thames
The Need for Health Care Reform: Finding solutions to health care issues in the U.S. by looking at foreign models, Andres F. Vargas Heredia
Class of 2011
The Hartford Female Beneficent Society and the Hartford Orphan Asylum: A Case Study from 1810 to 1890, Katherine M. McNulty
Class of 1995
The Primus Papers: An Introduction to Hartford's Nineteenth Century Black Community, Barbara J. Beeching
Class of 1993
Sanatorium Care for the Tubercular Poor in Hartford, 1900-1910, Sandra L. Wheeler
Sanatorium Care for the Tubercular Poor in Hartford, 1900-1910, Sandra L. Wheeler
Class of 1992
The Civic Club of Hartford, Connecticut: A Study of Women's Organizations in the Reform Era, Barbara F. Donahue
Class of 1991
Inside or Outside the Whale: George Orwell's Art and Polemic, Richard H. Walker
Class of 1982
The Princess and the Mother-Goddess: An Analysis of George MacDonald's The Princess and the Goblin and The Princess and Curdie, Jennifer A. Zeliff
Class of 1973
"The Holy War as I see it" : the literary portrayal of eternal life and death in some fictional works of C. S. Lewis, Judith Libby
Class of 1963
Relating James B. Conant's Book, "Slums and Suburbs," to Hartford and West Hartford, Cynthia West Reik