Date of Award

Spring 2015

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


Interdisciplinary Student Designed: International Relations

First Advisor

Prof. Anthony M. Messina


This study attempts to investigate the reasons for the persistence of labor migration to Norway, wherein significant anti-immigrant popular sentiment prevails. It focuses on high skilled labor migrants, Indian migrants in particular, as statistical data indicate that their numbers have steadily increased over the recent decade. The study elucidates the logic underpinning the aforementioned puzzle based on a comprehensive analysis of the available scholarship on Norwegian immigration, the use of statistical data, and personal interviews conducted with different relevant elite actors in Norwegian society. Evidence suggests that the main reasons for the increasing trend of Indian migrants are micro and macro level economic incentives and/or forces that supersede the desire to maintain or establish a migration policy that is hinged on populist restrictionism, influences of international organizations (IOs) in Norwegian migration policy, and an established Indian community in Norway. However, a response to demographic issues such as an aging population and decreasing fertility rates in Norway is not a significant factor in the Indian migration trend. Having said this, there is a need to assess the exact significance of each of these factors in the growing trend and to evaluate the economic and social impact of Indian migrants in Norway and Norwegian society.


Senior thesis completed at Trinity College for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International Relations.
