Date of Award

Spring 5-17-2024

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


LACS: Hispanic Studies

First Advisor

Priscilla Melendez


This paper explores the use of psychodrama as a technique in Argeninian theater by Eduardo Pavlovksy and Griselda Gambaro, as well as interpretations of the following plays through a psychoanalytical lens: El campo (1967) y La malasangre (1982) de Gambaro y El señor Galíndez (1972) y Telarañas (1976) de Pavlovsky. Each of these plays was written during a dark period of Argentine history between the years 1966-1983 during which a series of military regimes took power of the country, eventually leading to the Dirty War. The deaths and disappearances of over 30,000 individuals who spoke against the government forever changed Argentina, which can be seen in the content of the works of Pavlovsky and Gambaro. These four plays utilize psychologically haunting techniques to disentangle the emotional fallout of this period, especially due to instability, displacement, and death.
