Date of Award

Spring 5-5-2011

Degree Name

Bachelor of Arts


International Studies

First Advisor

Jeffrey Bayliss

Second Advisor

Janet Bauer

Third Advisor

Vijay Prashad


This thesis explores Chinese Communist Party's political use of history as a fuction to conduce patriotism and to legitimize Party rule. The research initially focused on how anti-Japanese sentiments have grown in China since the Tiananmen demonstrations in 1989 and after the esablishment of a new educational system in 1991. It then explores the impact of CCP's bias referral to conservative Japanese textbooks and views of history. These studies suggested that under the Patriotic Education Campagin and CCP's representation of Japanese right wing textbooks in China, the state has established methods to control the anti-Japanese sentiments to take focus away from domestic issues, overall contributing to the current unstable Sino-Japanese relations.


Senior thesis completed at Trinity College for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in International Studies.
