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This initiative assesses access to neighborhoods of opportunity in state of Connecticut.

Connecticut Fair Housing Center (CHFC) partnered with Kirwan Institute to perform research that leads to better understanding of how to support and promote inclusive, diverse communities of choice. CHFC looked to our work in the area of opportunity mapping in order to identify how fair housing can become more of an intervention point for marginalized communities across the state. Access to good education, affordable housing, quality of health care, employment and open space was assessed to create maps showing spatial distribution of opportunity in the state. The maps and findings were presented to our clients and stakeholders in Connecticut on Nov. 12, 2009.


For the full report, click the download button to the right. The bottom of the page contains supplemental files: Maps, Data, and the 2010 update summary report. For further information, see the Kirwan Institute Web site at

11_2009_CTOppMapping_SummaryReport_2nded.pdf (10552 kB)
Second Edition Summary - May 2010

connecticut_opportunity_mapping_indicators.xls (233 kB)
Census tract demographic data (Excel)

Map1_comprehensive_opportunity.pdf (9343 kB)
Comprehensive Opportunity maps

Map2_comprehensive_non-white_overlay.pdf (15092 kB)
Comprehensive Opportunity Overlaid with Non-White Population

Map9_comp_withsubsidizedhouseing.pdf (13628 kB)
Comprehensive Opportunity Overlaid with Subsidized Housing (Family Units)

Map10_compwithelderlyunits.pdf (11289 kB)
Comprehensive Opportunity Overlaid with Subsidized Housing (Senior Units)

Map14_transitnetwork.pdf (13667 kB)
Comprehensive Opportunity Overlaid with Transit Network

Map15_conservation.pdf (16538 kB)
Comprehensive Opportunity and Conservation and Development Areas

allothermaps.pdf (18092 kB)
All other maps

Included in

Sociology Commons



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